Spiknutí, jaké nemá obdoby? Investiční fond z Texasu prodal na short 12 milionů akcií Trumpovy sociální sítě s datem likvidace pouhý den před atentátem v očekávání krachu Trumpovy firmy! Fond dokonce o transakci informoval dopředu Komisi pro cenné papíry, potom ale pozici naprosto popřel! Dokonce byla vymazána z historie burzy na Wall Street! | AE News (aeronet.news)


this is the truth blackrock tothshild hexagram direct ssed of satan and soros behind the assasination attempt on trump 

do not take me wrong ,trump is a reptilian just like putin they all going to one place along with the illuminaties and freemasons and those who service  them and that is fire lake they will be burn forever

anyway after moscow nuke attack we will go all the way i promise you that ,you know lenin was much worse then hitler why because hitler killed only body but lenin a jew rothshild  killed all generation of slovans forever ,because they refused jahušua  and worship lenin(ateist!!!) a jew a rothshild , building his statues who denied a jah abba ,ehje el jisrael  ve ševa  ruchim hakadošim  

lavrov and all duma are rothshield and black rock shit holes they all millionars having accounts on the west traitors of slovan human blood working for reptilians !!!along with shithole reptilian putin that is why is cadik judgment on moscow coming very soon as soon it will be done do not worry russia will be come blessed and these satanic reptilians (there are too many living in moscow along with shithole kuril" vladyka "(you piece of shit for me there is only one true vladyka and that is jahušua you satanic kisser of  lie fake dead gold  statues and pictures no one has a right to call him self a vladyka !!!!) are going to be all dust - afar and their soles in fire lake burn forever 

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