i do not blame it on mosad ,mosad just pick up a golden glove and it is all iran mistake 

here is my view 

why did raisi and minister of foreighn affairs went to azerbajdžan for what? was it important _!no, in a time of war you do not leave a city  

helicopter bell 212 like 150 years old !!! helicopter ,iran does not have a better ????you send your president and minister to another country in bell 212???!!!

you know that azrbajdžan want to be in NATO ,that shares all info with cia and pentagon and mosad and you send there your president in helicopter bell 212 ??!!

there is a technology that can bring down a helicopter specially when it doesn not have any sophisticated defence,

after all russian army used to down polish plane with government delegation ,we can say that cause roša is in war with poland already so need to lie about that anymore 

now we šomerim jisrael we have much better tech better then china( they are 1000 years before monkeys ,that is why we own china and switch china anytime) ,that is why pentagon is sending F 16 last 2 years they know,still not in ukrajina  ....they knowwhat we can do ....they are scared 

anyway back to subject azerbajdžan provided all info they knew, exactly which helicopter when... where ....that is why that was only one helicopter who crashed ,by the way iran ,never put 2 important people in one helicopter you made mosad job so easy ,you are idiots !!!!!

now putin you reptilian bitch raisi was not a friend of rusia you shithole maybe yours, but it that case, why did not you send him a gift a helicopter just like you send  a gift a car to kim i guess because he was not even your friend

do not speak for russia you piece of shit reptilian bitch vlad putin 


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