Americká novinářka v šokujícím svědectví o tom, co páchá Izrael na Palestincích! (

john :whats up 

marcel :not much just synagog satan  jews bombarding their nazi koncentration camp they created for muslims woman and children AS THEY DO EVERY COUPLE OF YEARS 

john:whats so funny 

marcel:well imagine this, after  jews they start killing muslim woman and children they send anotheyr ROTHSHIELD SATANIC BITCH JEW blinken to muslim kingdom to tell basically to king salman to not go to war SO HE CAN  save all other muslims WOMAN AND CHILDREN INGAZA ,knowing ,that if salman agree ,he salman  will acording to muslim book WILL GO AUTOMATICLLY to hell forever 

john :smiling for 10 minutes ,let me get this straight ,JEWS killing muslim children send a jew SHIHOLE BLINKEN to muslim kingdom (smiling 20 minutes) to tel muslim king to put their  muslim book to garbage and go against that book not obey that book and as resolt of that he SALMAN  will go to hell SO THAT  the jews could kill all muslim in gaza nazi camp 

marcel:yes (because in muslim book is directlly written if some nation killing muslim and you do not kill them all you go to hell  AUTOMATICLLY and can not be save !!!!!!!!!!!!

the problem is there are many muslims in kingdom and others muslim nations that will rather kill their muslim leaders as traitors of islam and go to war 

another problem is all chiefs of secret service ISLAMIC NATIONS  army and those leaders if they die today tommorow they go all to hell acording to their book !!!because today and tommorow they allowed killing 5000 muslim  woman and children AND THEY DID NOT GO TO WAR so they go to hell 

so these jews send a jew blinken to convinced them to brake their law and put their book in garbage for couple months untill they wipe out AND COMPLETTE THEIR GENOCIDE ON MUSLIM WOMAN AND CHILDREN AND THEN THEY ALL MUSLIM LEADERS  ALONG WITH SAUDI FAMILY TAKE THAT MUSLIM  BOOK FROM GARBAGE AND CONTINUE PRAY AGAIN LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED


THESE JEWS ARE CLEVER............................................... 

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