While the sign of Revelation 12 pictures Jisrael and the MAŠIJAH, it is still a great sign in heaven. It should be treated as a sign of major significance. The problem is that some have viewed this sign as relating to the middle of the Tribulation. The reason that is done is because of its context with the dragon (satan) who is thrown down from heaven to persecute Israel for 1,260 days (3.5 years) until the conclusion of the 70th Week. However, this sign is broader in scope since it also refers to the birth of Ješua over 2,000 years ago. Some have even tried to say this sign played out at the time of MAŠIJAH  birth, but the planetary alignments put forward of that time do not compare to what occurs in 2017.

For those who have been following this work here, there was an important discovery made here eight years ago regarding the Great Pyramid and its heavenly alignment just three days earlier on September 20, 2017. It almost seems comical now that the great sign of Revelation 12 was missed at that time while focusing in on three days earlier. However, that find, along with this sign of Revelation 12, frame what seems now to become one of the most significant days in future history. That day is known as the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah (the awakening blast), the Day of Shouting, the Day of the Resurrection, Coronation Day, and the Last Trump. It is believed this day is the day of the transformation of the dead and living saints at the time known as the Rapture.  The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah is in the middle of these signs. 

The sign of Revelation 12 has many details that are common, but uncommon when all put together. The first part of the sign is the woman clothed with the sun. This happens every year, but it narrows the time down to one month around the autumnal equinox. That woman is represented by Virgo--the virgin. She is clothed by the sun from mid-September to early October. September 23, 2017 meets these requirements.

The next requirement is that the moon must be under the feet of Virgo. With the sun in Virgo and her feet to the east, the moon must be a few days past new moon. Since the Hebrew Calendar is lunar and the Feast of Trumpets (day from sunrise to sunset September 22, 2017) is on the new moon, September 23-25 places the moon in the correct position. This happens every year on the Hebrew Calendar as long as the new moon did not occur too early or too late in relation to the equinox, which would put the sun too high or low in Virgo. Here it is perfect. The requirement of the moon and sun narrows it down to a few days of the year. The rest of the parts of the sign must then coincide with this time if we are able to observe this sign. 

On September 23, 2017 there are four planets in the vicinity that complete the sign and its ultimate uniqueness. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter play their parts. Above the head of Virgo is the constellation Leo. In Leo at this time there will be Mars, Venus, and Mercury. With Leo being a constellation of nine principle stars, the three wandering stars make it twelve at this time. Thus the garland of twelve stars is upon the woman. For three planets to be in Leo at this time with all of the other preconditions makes this rare. Combined with the final piece of the picture below is what makes this sign difficult of not nearly impossible to replicate anywhere close to the time in which we live. How rare? A search 150 years before and 150 years after September 23, 2017 produced no results. 

The final piece of the sign is Jupiter. Jupiter was known by the Jews as the planet of the MAŠIJAH . Jupiter enters the sign of Virgo on August 27, 2016, which coincides with a close conjunction of Venus. The next such close conjunction with these two brightest planets is 49 years later. Jupiter itself enters Virgo about every 12 years.  The August 27, 2016 conjunction comes exactly 400 days before Yom Kippur 2017. Yom Kippur always ends Teshuvah, which is a 40 day season of repentance. Does Jupiter and Venus mark a ten-fold application needed at that time?

Jupiter then spends those 400 days in Virgo. As the sign of Revelation 12 forms on September 23, 2017, Jupiter is in the womb of Virgo and is about to be born. Remember, the meaning of Tribulation refers to the period of labor pains before birth. The world is going to go through a period of delivery to result in the Messianic Kingdom. This sign speaks to those coming seven years–the worst in human history. However, we have been warned and HAKADOŠ JAHOVAH will deliver those who have put their trust in JEŠUA HAMAŠIJAH Christ by taking them to heaven before the seven years begins. For those who will miss that opportunity, JAHOVAH  grace will still abound for those who change and believe that JEŠUA HAMAŠIJAH  is the savior of the world, but they will have to endure the Tribulation. 

Jupiter, though spends more than 400 days in Virgo. It is provocative that six days before what looks to be the start of the 2520 days of the Tribulation, Venus and Jupiter make another conjunction (but not visible because of the sun) on November 13, 2017. This is 444 days from the conjunction of August 27, 2016. Is it any accident then that Jupiter leaves Virgo when the Tribulation will begin? The next sign in the Mazzeroth (Zodiac) is the scales of Libra–judgment. It all lines up at the right time.

However, let us go back 1260 days from the sign of Revelation 12 to the day of the first lunar eclipse of the Tetrad of 2014-2015. The eclipse of April 15, 2014 occurred at a specific place in the heavens. As a time marker that points to the sign of Revelation 12, it should also have some significance. This eclipse on Passover 2014 occurred right next to star of Spica in Virgo. Ješua  own body was sacrificed for us on Passover. He was the Seed of the Woman. He was the ear of grain that must die that life may abound. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah meaning “seed”–the Seed of the Woman. It is the same word as found in the promises of 1 BOOK  MOŠE. It is fitting then that this sign of the lunar eclipse points to the sign of Revelation 12, which speaks of the MAŠIJAH ’s birth, but also to the necessary second part of Ješua’ coming back to earth.

With an interval of 1260 days between the signs, it would seem logical that the day count represented a leg of the Tribulation. But it cannot anymore unless one is to believe we are in the Tribulation, but we are NOT. However, this sign straight from Revelation 12 that appears in the sky from September 23 to September 25 cannot be ignored. Placing this sign in context with all of the other signs and calculations presented here, it would seem that this sign is a warning of the Tribulation that will soon begin.

The conclusion on this website is that it looks like the Rapture will occur on the Feast of Trumpets 2017, which would be on September 22 from sunrise to sundown.  This day is sandwiched between the sign involving the Great Pyramid and Revelation 12. If the Tribulation ends on the Day of Atonement 2024, then 2,520 back from that day is November 19, 2017.  The sign of Revelation 12 then comes 57 days before the Tribulation. This gap matches the gap between the end of Daniel’s 69 weeks on Palm Sunday and the beginning of the Church on Pentecost.

The sign of Revelation 12 makes sense as a sign warning to us all that the Tribulation is coming, just as depicted in the sign itself with the virgin (Jisrael) about to go through tribulation. For the Church, our time is then short. The requirements of the sign make it extremely rare making 2017 the only year in which it coincides with the final generation. By default, it must be a sign that precedes the Tribulation and signs should be a warning of what is soon coming. But all too often, the heavenly sign of Revelation 12 is glossed over and not looked at as a actual visible sign that can be observed. 

10:30 am PDT or equivalent time of 8:30 pm Jerusalem time September 23, 2017.

April 15, 2014


While perusing through Jupiter’s position among the stars, there was something else that presented itself. On the 9th of Av 2024, Jupiter will be in the sign of Taurus. It will be between the horns. The common Hebrew name for Taurus isShur, which can mean both coming and ruling or in other words, the coming judge. In short, Taurus represents the coming governor,JEŠUA  hamašijah , with his congregation (meaning of Pleiades). 

On the day known for Jewish sorrow due to the number of calamities that have fallen on this day, Mars comes into conjunction with Jupiter beteween the horns. Mars, in Hebrew Ma’adim, meaning the Adam, the Red One or the Son of Man. On this day it is believed there will be 60 days left of the Tribulation. This sign looks to speak of that time when JEŠUA  hamašijah will shortly return to end the Tribulation with the Church accompanying him. 

No other signs or conjunctions after this at this time come into view. However, there will be the final signs of the stars falling from the sky, and the moon and sun being darkened.  It must also be remembered here that on the 9th of Av 1994, Comet Shoemaker-Levy struck Jupiter causing much fear when the effects of such a collision were observed and then imagined upon earth. The 9th of Av 2024 will be the 110th anniversary from WW1 beginning and 30 years from Shoemaker-Levy.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 
Matthew 24: 29-30

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