in revelation  of Jochanan (john )1chapter 12-13 is written that jahušua is walking bettwen ševa menorot 7 lamps and in 21:23 is written that jahušua will be the lamp in new jerušalom so jahušua is the centre the middle jarechah and from jahušua there are 3 sholders on each side so jahušua is the menorah with 7 flames which are 7 holly spirits nothing about cross !!!!

now trinity say that father and son are equal but i read in the bible that jahušua prays to father not my but your will father or jahušua say nobody knows the hour not angels not even son (JAHUŠUA) but only father ,

and when zebedejev mother ask jahušua for her 2 sons to be seated by his right and left hand jahušua replay that is giving by the father (matyjahu mathew 20:20-28)

not to mention that there are for sure 7 holly sprits so 1father one son 7 holly sprits is not 3

so there is only one true father jah abba and his 7 holly spirits and his son that always do perfect the will of the father 

anyway then there a statues one of the 10 commandments says that we are prohibited to do any statues 

then there is a huge problem with black garment of the priests because jahušua is having white garment nagels have white garment those who will be worth it to be in presence of jahušua will have a white garment revelation 3:4 

then there is a huge  another lie in christianity call mary i read in bible that jahusua says iam the door life street only true me you can come to the father 

i am the only savior  so why 1.5 bilion christians kissing mary statue that can not see or hear or walk why they kiss the picture of some woman and saying that is mary and she holds her son!!!! really ___???that is how she looked when she lived???? that is the face  of jahušua as baby ????they will say well it is not really ,so i ask why do you kiss a pistue or statue of some woman and child claiming that is the mother and son __???that is iditic!!!!!against a bible !!!!

no it is a lie lie lie lie

christianity is run by satanists and reptilians and freemasons but now the real truth is the bible .. coming from roša after nuked moscow there will be kingdom that everybody will fear us , you know why? 

because all others nations are run by the fucking reptilians and they all (reptilians!!!! even their father satan !!!!!) fear so much someone (try to make a guess naruškin who that is)who is protected by the angels army he want all reptilians  dead and they can not still kill him imagine that power- unlimited -father and son and 7 holly spirits and  his army of agels 

all nation has to live by bible no more bs religions and yoga .......we have to live holly as a all nation of slovans i will give 24 hours lgbtq to run to the west or us and then we will do what has to be done acording to the bible because jahušua is the word right so the word is law 5 books of moše that is jahušua and there for the word is holly right ? so then has to be valid because jahušua is forver alev tav rišon acharon that means leolam eternal means the law -jahušua is eternal !!!!!!

i am telling you the truth will be giving from ruša to all nations and we will fight islam and win and come back as nation of 12 tribes of jisrael back to jerušalom and rebuild it and build the hejchal for the adonaj kol haarec ehje el jisrael meroah -jahušua (translation our  JAH is our savior) 

krajina has 100 muke  missiles with 2 kt if they lounch 10 that is 20 kt which is the samwe as hirošima bomb thst means kremlin and wide centrum of moscow to the ground another 80 can hit other cities or military targets same as iran has hundreds of nukes with 2-20 kt 

ken they deliver them to vlevanon syria iraq houtis turkey ????

now harris has only one option deep state try to ass.trump and says that it was iran and go to war with iran in next weeks now and to create a marshall law that is it 

so there will be no piece now ,naruškyn you say well trump is coming ok 21 of jan he will authorise us army to blow al nuclear facilities and oil refaineries in iran so there will be no piece 

and then if roša does not step in with china and north korea and create 5 fronts with a containers to be opened up then us will go one front at time first iran then roša then china only way to win is to coordinate 5 fronts at a same time immediatelly!!!!

whoever you thing will bhe in white office will go to war!!!!! 

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