1 Trumpy you low rate reptilian mother fu.ker do not ever scream on anybody who is representing slovans you can scream on xyour fu.king reptilian mother but never on anybody who is representing slovans or i will make sure that 7 cities in USA will not see the sun for very long time you reptilian fuck shit !!!!!!!one more time and i will make a curse allah and you and all your family will fall down and be dead
2 tulcy gabbart head of what ???why o for sucking trump dick for a long time
you can put a ton of make up on your face but still under that make up is rubbish skin hard like old snake reptilian skin
you can say nice words but still you sucking budha dick sorry his name is satan and also his seed ,dick trump and and all reptilians that you personally represent !!!
and of course i want all reptilians dead i am in a war with them and of everybody who serve them and want all !!! that means that i want you dead as well
so i guess it will be fun to play this game with cia and pentagon
3 i like the way you work budanov you very good much better then shithole naruskin who can not even speak when that mothe fu.ker putin screams at him he shit his pants and that is a head of fsb let me smile
any way you are very smart how about you switch sides after duma putin top generals and kremlin are dead soon maybe we can work togerther ,afterall west fucked ua so many times you a have a right for revenge by humiliation in satan house i mean white house (by the way speaking of revenge there is a huge compro on trump(fsb will loose laverage on trump if you will make it public)i we have what kgb has) and there is something in NY that if used there is no sun and there is no stock market and usa is finnish you can have it )for free !!! we šomerim jisrael are not for sale and we do not sale!!!
here is a plan of usa that is what USA want _ how do you kill 2 birds without a shoot well you f.ck ua do not give ua weapons cudle russia and let uk and eu go to war with ua against russia , eu will be nuked moscow will be nuked and usa will act as a best friend with russia distance themselfs from nato and eu so they will be not in direct war with russia as a matter of fact they will act like they usa are the enemy of EU and the best friend of russia they will sit and watch
so eu would be destroyed rusia would be destroyd and usa will get all of eu and russia without a fire one missile, nice plan deep shit pentagon , but it will not work because jahušua ehje ašer ehje el jisrael is the one who will point a leader upon all slovans and with help of heaven army with an technology that we have that is inside all systems and can shut down all of it ......
this is direct approach to you Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón please be so kind and reconsider your decision to put spanish troops on the ground against slovans you are the only country in all eu that i would feel sorry when black cases in madrid and barcelona will go off .......in the case of your participation in direct war against russia , because you sending the soldiers officially that means you are in war against my beloved russia and that means your cities will be nuked , i personally know many very kind and nice spanish people here in prague and when i visited spain many times ,i allways felt like home i have a personal interest to make sure that spain remain untouched.i like spain people very much even thou royal family are "royal" satanic reptilian entities and as bible says we will crush their heads and they will bite our leg 1st Moše 3:15(genesis 3:15)and that is my servise
berlin munich marseille paris warsaw (is it no funny i saw war-warsaw prophetic)brusel barcelona madrid prague milano ,vatican London 2x ...............................plus swiss