6:32 And command you the children of Yisrael that they observe the years according to this reckoning- three hundred and sixty-four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according to their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts. 33 But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years will be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons and the years will be dislodged] and they will neglect their ordinances. 34 And all the children of Yisrael will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the new months, and seasons, and Shabbats and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. 35 For I know and from henceforth will I declare it unto you, and it is not of my own devising; for the book is written before me, and on the heavenly tablets the division of days is ordained, lest they forget the feasts of the covenant and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error and after their ignorance. 36 For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon -how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. 37 For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb (the order), and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the kodesh with the unclean, and the unclean day with the kodesh; for they will go wrong as to the months and Shabbats and feasts and jubilees. 38 For this reason I command and testify to you that you may testify to them; for after your death your children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new months and seasons and Shabbats and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh!!!!!!!


The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was one of the greatest archaeological finds of all time. Found in 11 caves at Qumran (near the Dead Sea) from 1947 to 1956, and likely written by the Essenes, a Jewish sect in existence before and during the time of Yahushua (J-sus), the Scrolls have transformed our understanding of the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, and the origins of Christianity. At least 972 scrolls were discovered along with some 85,000 fragments. They are dated between 250BC and 68AD. The scrolls are divided into two basic categories: 225 biblical scrolls and 747 non-biblical scrolls. The non-biblical scrolls are further divided into: Apocryphal scrolls, Sectarian scrolls, and Pseudepigraphic scrolls.

The Biblical scrolls contain multiple copies of the Hebrew Bible (Books of the Old Testament) and are the oldest complete texts of the Hebrew Bible in existence. Among the biblical scrolls are two books most are not familiar with, The Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. Jubilees contains a significant amount of information about the Appointed Times of YHWH and Enoch contains the Solar Calendar. As part of the Sectarian scrolls, is the Calendar Scroll, which contains evidence of the calendar the Qumran community kept, it is the same Solar Calendar as prescribed in Enoch. What is interesting is that of the multiple biblical texts found there were more copies found of Jubilees and Enoch, 21 copies of the Book of Jubilees and 25 copies of the Book of Enoch, more than the copies of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Jeremiah and the other prophets (expect Isaiah), yet neither of these books made it into the Hebrew Bible or Christian Old Testament. The Qumran community who copied these scrolls obviously saw the significance of these two books.

A limestone sundial was discovered at Qumran showing physical evidence that the community were interested in determining the day of the Vernal Equinox. It was designed to measure the sun during the year rather than during the day. After studying it, two researchers concluded “It allows the determination of the cardinal points and fixing a calendar whose seasons are as near as possible to the signs of sun, moon and stars. There is strong supporting evidence that the Qumran calendar was indeed calculated with a method involving actual measuring when the sun arose in the east, as directed by the Book of Enoch.”

The East Gate into the temple use to be called the Sun Gate or Sunrise Gate. The Sun Gate was used to record the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. Before the exile into Babylon it was held to be of imperative necessity that on two days of the year the sun shone directly through the Eastern Gate and through all the Eastern Gates of the Temple arranged in a line, directly into the very heart of the Temple proper. The Eastern Gate also called the Sun Gate served not only to check the equinoxes, when the sun rises exactly in the east, but the solstices as well: a device on the Eastern Gate was designed to reflect the first rays of the sun on the summer and winter solstices, when the sun rises in the southeast and the northeast respectively.” [Extracted from “Worlds in Collision” by Immanuel Veikovsky]. Determining the Equinoxes was important for determining when the year would begin. You need to know the Vernal Equinox to determine the 1st day of the Solar Calendar and YHWH had included this in the construction of his temple in the time of King David and Solomon – highlighting the significance of the Zadok Solar Calendar.

Zadok (meaning “Righteous”) was a priest descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron which is the anointed line from which all High Priests must descend. The High Priest Zadok aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom, and was instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne. After Solomon had The First Temple in Jerusalem constructed, Zadok was the first High Priest to serve in The Temple of Solomon. In 1 Chronicles 28:19 King David says to his son, Solomon,All this is in writing, as YHWH, with his hand on me, has given me good sense in working out these detailed plans.”King David was passing on his instructions to Solomon, instructions given to him by the hand of YHWH, to build the Temple as YHWH had prescribed. The workings of the Zadok Solar Calendar are evident in the construction of YHWH’s temple because King David and his High Priest, Zadok, kept the Solar Calendar.



  • New Month days (4 days, 1st of the Month beginning of each quarter, these Days are called Days of Remembrance).


With the discerning spirit YHWH gave him, David wrote psalms to correspond to the Zadok Solar Calendar’s 364 day, 52 week year and YHWH’s moedim.


The Messiah and his lineage comes from The House of Zadok (the High Priest to King David). Those of the line of Zadok are called Zadokites or Zadok Priests and are the only ones qualified to serve in the office of High Priest over Israel. This is paramount because if Yahushua was to be The Eternal High Priest, and was to be qualified to offer the final sacrifice of The Passover Lamb, he must have been from The House of Zadok to be the Messiah.


In the Gospel accounts, Yahushua tells his disciples to enter the city and follow the man with the water pitcher to a home where the disciples prepare the Passover meal in the upper room. In those days men didn’t carry water that was the job of a woman, however, the only men that did carry water were Zadok Priests. The man Yahushua told the disciples to follow, carrying the water pitcher, was a Zadok Priest and the home was in the Zadok Priest village on Mt Zion.



In addition to changes to the calendar, scripture has been changed. One of the significant, but subtle, changes is in the verses in Genesis 1:14-16, “Let there be two great lights”. The moon is not a light; it reflects the light of the sun. The “let there be is a singular verb form ‘yehi’, which has been changed to a plural verb. The verse should read “Let there be a great light”. This parallels with the book of Jubilees.  Jubilees 2:9 “And YHWH appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and for Sabbaths and for months and for Feasts and for years and for Sabbaths of years and for Jubilees and for all seasons of the years”Jubilees 6:36-37 “For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon -how (it) disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb (the order), and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a Feast day, and they will confound all the days, the Holy with the Unclean, and the Unclean day with the Holy; for they will go wrong as to the Months and Sabbaths and Feasts and Jubilees”.



YHWH is an agricultural Elohim and the Zadok Solar Calendar is an agricultural calendar. The lunar calendar is a religious calendar. The rabbinic’s of today use the Gregorian solar calendar for their Sabbaths and the lunar calendar for the moedim. Is this scriptural?


“But with the remnant which hold fast to the commandments of YHWH. He made His Covenant with Israel forever, revealing to them the hidden things in which all Israel had gone astray. He unfolded before them His Holy Sabbaths and His Glorious Feasts, His Truth and the desires of His Will which a man must do in order to live” – Damascus Document from the Dead Sea Scrolls.



This Calendar BEGINS EVERY YEAR after the equal day and night in JERUŠALEM 
The 12 months of the year are broken into 4 quarters, each quarter being 30 days, 30 days and 31 days. And each quarter has 13 Weekly Sabbaths.


To find the Weekly Sabbath, and this rule only applies to finding the Weekly Sabbath, Day One (the day after the equal day and night in JERUŠALEM being identified) becomes day 4 of the week and you count 5,6,7. The 7th day of this count is the Weekly Sabbath for the 364 days.


Now we can plot Yahuah’s Moedim.


Passover is on the 14th of the 1st month (Aviv)
Unleavened Bread is from the 15th to the 21st of the 1st month.
First Fruits of Barley is on the 26th of the 1st month, a 50 day count to–
First Fruits of Wheat (Shavuot) , the 15th of the 3rd month, a 50 day count to–
First Fruits of Wine, the 3rd of the 5th month, a 50 day count to—
First Fruits of Oil, the 22nd of the 6th month
Wood Offerings is from the 23rd to the 28th day. The 28th day is a Weekly Sabbath
The Day of Trumpets is on the first day of the 7th month
The Day of Atonement begins at sunset on the 9th day of the 7th month and finishes at sunset on the10th day. The weekly Sabbath falling on the 11th.
The Feast of Tabernacles, is from the 15th day to the 21st day of the 7th month, and the 8th day on the 22nd.
There are also 4 days of Remembrance these are on the 1 DAY of Aviv, the 1 DAY of the 4th month, the 1 DAY of the 7th month and the 1DAY of the 10th month. BOOK OF JUBILEES 6:23


This Zadokite Solar Calendar is Yahuah’s Calendar,a Calendar of Sacred Time, Sacred Place and Sacred Rituals.
Every Weekly Sabbath, a Sabbath Sacrifice Song was sung, these were rotated around the 4 quarters in the year.
The last 4 days of the year and the first 4 days of the next year is called THE CREATION WEEK.
All of the Moedim perfectly fit the Ancient Hebrew Betrothal and Marriage customs.
The days begin at sunrise!!!!!!!. The First Fruits of Barley is outside of the Unleavened Bread Week.


All the dates above are exactly taken from the Dead Sea Scrolls.


 It says in the Dead Sea Scrolls that Yahuah will confirm His Appointments and He has and keeps doing so, as each Moedim and Weekly Sabbath comes.
We do not add to or subtract from the Weekly Sabbaths and Moedim as above.


Yahuah’s Calendar is more than a Calendar it is a relationship with our Heavenly Father. With each Divine Appointment, He reveals more of Himself and His kingdom to us.
All Esteem, Praise and Honor to Yahuah and His Son.



This Calendar BEGINS EVERY YEAR Following THE VERNAL EQUINOX (Israel) being identified: The next day of the Equinox is DAY ONE of the 364 day year of divine appointments.
The 12 months of the year are broken into 4 quarters, each quarter being 30 days, 30 days and 31 days. And each quarter has 13 Weekly Sabbaths.


To find the Weekly Sabbath, and this rule only applies to finding the Weekly Sabbath, Day One (the day after the Vernal Equinox being identified) becomes day 4 of the week and you count 5,6,7. The 7th day of this count is the Weekly Sabbath for the 364 days.
Example, As for this year 2017, the 21st of March was the Vernal Equinox (Israel). The 22nd of March is DAY ONE of the Calendar count for the 364 days of the Year. To find the Weekly Sabbath, Day ONE becomes day 4of the week, then 5, 6, and 7. The 7 falling on the 25th of March a Saturday. So Saturday is the Weekly Sabbath for this complete year of the Solar Calendar.


Now we can plot Yahuah’s Moedim.


Passover is on the 14th of the 1st month (Aviv)
Unleavened Bread is from the 15th to the 21st of the 1st month.
First Fruits of Barley is on the 26th of the 1st month, a 50 day count to–
First Fruits of Wheat (Shavuot) , the 15th of the 3rd month, a 50 day count to–
First Fruits of Wine, the 3rd of the 5th month, a 50 day count to—
First Fruits of Oil, the 22nd of the 6th month
Wood Offerings is from the 23rd to the 28th day. The 28th day is a Weekly Sabbath
The Day of Trumpets is on the first day of the 7th month
The Day of Atonement begins at sunset on the 9th day of the 7th month and finishes at sunset on the10th day. The weekly Sabbath falling on the 11th.
The Feast of Tabernacles, is from the 15th day to the 21st day of the 7th month, and the 8th day on the 22nd.
There are also 4 days of Remembrance these are on the 1st of Aviv, the 1st of the 4th month, the 1st of the 7th month and the 1st of the 10th month.


This Zadokite Solar Calendar is Yahuah’s Calendar,a Calendar of Sacred Time, Sacred Place and Sacred Rituals.
Every Weekly Sabbath, a Sabbath Sacrifice Song was sung, these were rotated around the 4 quarters in the year.
The last 4 days of the year and the first 4 days of the next year is called THE CREATION WEEK.
All of the Moedim perfectly fit the Ancient Hebrew Betrothal and Marriage customs.
The days begin at sunrise. The First Fruits of Barley is outside of the Unleavened Bread Week.


All the dates above are exactly taken from the Dead Sea Scrolls.


 It says in the Dead Sea Scrolls that Yahuah will confirm His Appointments and He has and keeps doing so, as each Moedim and Weekly Sabbath comes.
We do not add to or subtract from the Weekly Sabbaths and Moedim as above.


Yahuah’s Calendar is more than a Calendar it is a relationship with our Heavenly Father. With each Divine Appointment, He reveals more of Himself and His kingdom to us.
All Esteem, Praise and Honor to Yahuah and His Son.





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