vacation is over bezos trump dicaprio putin ronaldo beyonce musk and list goes on you all reptilian shitholes going were you all belong fire lake and you will be burn with kids and grand kids and when they curse you trump with questions why did you made us you idiot now we all burning forever remember bezoš trump musk my name 

marce levin

i want all reptilians dragonic race has to be wipe out trust me the angels of el šadaj will do it soon i want them all dead no exceptions they all belong to fire lake with fallen angels and satan that shithole bitch 

elon musk Mother And father all Dragon reptilians asi Wells asi musk - YouTube

musk parents shapeshifting very ugly so as trump family fucking reptilians very ugly 

Elon Musk's mother, father, and ex-wives talking about him #elonmusk this is original video all you have to do is put your finger on the line and with finger  to moveit by nano seconds to see real faces of elon musk parents 

elon your mother is very ugly reptilian bitch  so as your father 

trump the next video is about your fucking reptilian family you shithole bitch

nece video explaining the dragon reptilian race

????Everyone must know this! Dragon reptiles that are a step down in the Dark Forces hierarchy (50)



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