no need sound of rabbi ,all you need to know ,is that nazi reptilian beast  obama is going against  jisrael who is ben josef nazir  moše elijahu koreš it is one person!!!! , lo tira !!!!

el ŠADAJ ZE EL ŠADAJ AVI   CURI MAGENI VE BEN  SAR CVA  SAR ŠALOM HAKADOŠ EL JISRAEL JIŠI   no need sound of rabbi ,all you need to know ,is that nazi reptilian beast  obama is going against  jisrael who is ben josef nazir  moše elijahu koreš it is one person!!!! , lo tira !!!


i told you 6 years ago that one day us will be your enenmy you were laughung  , i told you that obama is the beast and you were telling me ,its the end of his term on the office in one year he can not become the president again really ,are you  still laughing????almost the same team as it was when obama was in the office ,with biden getting out kamil haris wumoman will be come the first trans president and try to make a wild guess what will be the next ... no one will help you ,us will support under obama iran and put together army of muslims milions with turkey, and of course the other front they will open  will be slovans as it was in the reptilian second world war first ,jews first ...  then roša and that is why, when i was in moskva i   pay a tribute to those, who died of hunger where they been surrounded by nazi i gave the rose to memorial to pay respect to those ,who gave their lives ,so we, slovans can live today ,because i can tell under hitler we would be total slaves and laboratory dna experiment , as  far as China the President understand that us will attack China , now ,as far as antimatter because it never been tested from east to west it has to be covered just in case by ocean as well as by north so it does not go further ..,as far as south there is a canal further south so in the worst case scenario it   can be nuke to create a bigger hole ,that will then be cover by  ocean    roša will be soon slovaniJAH as a kingdom because i can tell you no way with satan reptilian us nazi army anybody can survive not without the angeles army of el šadaj and the one who will have that much blessing  to be the searvant with crown is nazir  koreš jisrael ben josef ,when china will realize that there can not compete with reptilian army i can help but i want all of china gold to build jerušalom šel zahav i want nothing for myself i sleep on the floor when is -15 tonight  fast every week until the end  and i will never be for sale as all polticians that are the bitches of reptilians remember  i  rule over those cursed shitholes SONS s t n  remember that  i rule over them in the power of el jisrael jahušua whois  ben el šadaj HAKADOŠ JAH because i trust the sar cva  ben ehje and the father in the truth with all my heart and i get down in white garment every day to pay a respect love and show loyalty to el šadaj and his son jahušua it not about me i am nothing just dust without the father and his son ,but i am writing to you so you can understand that nobody can do nothing its all will of el šadaj ,if the stn could i would be dead 43 years he canot touch me  because the will of el ŠADAJ IS FOREVER NOBODY CAN CHANGE IT satan lost 20000 years ago !!!!!!he will be burn forever just like all reptilians in every govermant including china there are reptilians do not think for one moment that i do not know that  china will give all the gold , 

so i said pack your shit reptilians its time you will be taking to the fire lake ,buy borat tangos ,because where you going its going to be very very hot ,oh by he way it is for ever day night night day forforfor everever so as all politicians who are their bitches i have no respect for you you sold your soul to the evil you go where he is going so as all false katholic priests bishops  cardinals orthodox ... and list goes on the army of el šadaj is here ready wait ......................

no need sound of rabbi ,all you need to know ,is that nazi reptilian beast  obama is going against  jisrael who is ben josef nazir  moše elijahu koreš it is one person!!!! , lo tira !!!!


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