Allah is Satan! - Rob Christian - Episode 1 - YouTube

Muhammad’s REAL NAME is Qutham! - Rob Christian - Episode 6 - YouTube

Islam is all a LIE! - Rob Christian - Episode 3 - YouTube

Muhammed is an Idolater! - Rob Christian - Episode 2 - YouTube

Islam Worships ROCKS - Not Allah! - More Meccan Problems with Dr. Jay - Episode 8 - YouTube


satanic talmud juws nad their head reptilian putin



VIDEO: Vladimir Putin prohlásil, že ofenzíva ukrajinské armády selhala a dodávky západních zbraní na tom nic nezmění! Jenže ve stejnou chvíli Ruská vyšetřovací komise zatkla v moskevském bytě Igora Strelkova za rozvracení Ruska, zatykač přišel na podnět Kremlu po sérii slovních útoků na Jevgenije Prigožina a Vladimira Putina! Neúnavný kritik Putinova kuchaře a “slabého” Vovky je teď zavřený, zatímco Prigožin chystá v Bělorusku na blížící se konflikt místní armádu! | AE News (


Vladimir Putin Gifted Quran By Imam - YouTube allah is satan quran is satan word putin is reptilian satan portal satan in putin ,anybody who accept allah as holly is satan anybody who say that quran is holly is satan !!!!!!!

and the country which is run by allah satan reptilian has a big problem 

now strelkov said the truth we are in holly war against islam(turkey saudi) in that case as roša slovan josef kingdom soon will be blessed as all vladykas saying then in that case the duma and satanic putin and those who serve him  will be replace, because the roša and slovan nations will be united in one kingdom with blessing from heaven from el šadaj 

yes  we are in war aginst satan yes we are in war big war against islam net only slovans-josef but all eu and world ,so about turkey strelkov was right erdogan satan will only use week duma and roša and then attack as bible says 

putin is the front of satanic talmud kaba allah so called jews but they are not jews they are syn a GoG if satan they steel roša all these olighars are satanic kaba allah talmud synagog of satan and duma they are paid in bribes to work for them and to support satan putin this is the truth putin gave olighars all industry and power and they gave him bilions mansons yachts and bribes for duma fsb all of them are paid by satan i will never speak nothing but the brutal truth they work for satan and whereis your satn he can not even go to south africa scared that will be arested putin is finnisgh and all who servis himm with him don you get it this is a will from heaven nobody can change that !!!!!!not fsb not gru not army nobody not even satan and reptilians nobody can change the will of El jisrael !!!!!!!!!

putin is reptilian like hitler both phisical portal for satan that is the reality ,and the will of el šadaj and his son is to totally destroy that system and replace with white monach cohen who will feast  pray sleep on the floor and speak the true nobody, not even satan can touch him that nazir josef stone jisrael with el šadaj crown(nazir) will serve to the kingdom of east slovanijah soon......


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