Putin Kisses Gold-Encrusted Copy Of Quran At Chechen Mosque Before Setting Kursk Deadline For Russia - YouTube

that is why moscow will be nuked ,then russia will have a blessing ,because now russia is curse ,and no bitch putin , kursk will not be free by 1st october putin you reptilian shithole satananal saturn seed you are finnish and so as all freemasons and illuminaties and so as a llah that saturn transvestit reptilian bitch he is nothing ,if he is that powerfull ,he is here on earth let him come with is satanic demonic army to josefov i am still waiting ....

that bitch satanallanallah saturn  is nothing he will soon be in prison for 1000 years and beast and false prophert in fire lake and so as all duma medvedev zacharova anruskin bortnikov and so as their families for working for this shithole reptilianalla putin bitch

talmud as quran is satanic book only bible is true 

hakadoš  hakadoš hakadoš hakadoš hakadoš  hakadoš hakadoš JAH ABBA ve JAHušua mašijah EL jisrael  ve ševa ruchim elohim

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