well i must say that you really good i mean it, really good ,strike inside bejt -ruth and tehran it and others,... helicopter " crash ... very professional i wish that somebody in fsb and gru is that professional ,but reality is that they only throw people who say the truth to jail or out of window cant even hold next country and loose it to cia on majdan amateurs -2014 majdan 

see david mosad is the best as far sa assasination ,but let me take you in my opinion to the diffrent angle 

it does not matter if vyou kill 3 4 5 even ten generals of hamas and iran ,the big picture is not about your offensive war strategy but defence ,

can you protect F 15 F 16  F 35 from getting cooked EMP NUKE,can you protect all your systems from not responding at all overtake by hostile who is inside and swich off),can  the us protect the warships from getting sink by subs , that is a big picture ,bacause if there will be silent subs and blow the  nuke torpedos and all the us warships will be destroy what are you going to do???

you have to calculate that ,that is  the reality also EMP nuke above  atmosphere  also someone take a full control of your all comand centers defence dom ..patriot ... ,those are the real big picture angle

what if saudi is totally destroy with uae and there is blocade on sea then what where you get a food ,wather ,what if its poison ,where you get a fuel who will suply to you with that blocade and saudi destroy along with abu dhabi you have to see the future in big picture if you dont see the future you loose because you will calculate on probality step by step ,another words

i  will not loose becase el šadaj will tell me before my enemies will even thing what they will do so i can react and prevent ......and win nazir gibor lavan jisrael kuriš

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