i wrote you 2 years ago,mosad on this seven roses  that iran has hypersonic balistic missiles (nuclear)and you barnea were laughingyou still laughing???!!!)and that you will be not able to intercept them i also wrote you, bacause i knew your plan before hand do not kill stupid enemy but you did  (nasral)couple days after i wrote it ... and now be sure it comes down to only one think as i wrote before 

(even that this time still somebody did not switch all of your systems yet.yet   77 ,7% of the iran missiles hit their targets imagine 10000 missiles with nukes  that means 7777 will hit their targets right?§!

ken iran launch hypersonic nuclear missile with houties and lesbala ,....so all the assasinations means nothing this is the key question 

all islamic world see that number one 

iran can hit any time and place in the land of avraham jicchak jisrael even with nuke hypersonic missiles  and there is nothing that you can do about it 

number two 

we slovans have even better asnd faster missiles and we going to use them very soon on(along with all nuke black cases around a world ) all eu ports military bases f 35 ,airports  oil gas nuclear power plants ,infrastracture (no food will come because there will be no ports i do not give a šhit they are own by china) i will switch off and  nuke china with usa, if they china do not give us slovans 3500 tons of gold , we will nuke every state that will not surrender totally !!! you will see i will totally destroy dom sion uk , eu ,you will beg for food(we slovans have the most cereal in the world , and i give you for your gold and then when there will be no gold you became slovan slaves 

just like my fathers and mothers slovans been slaves to germany and hungry for a thousand years!!!!you will be now slovan slaves eugermany austria  and hungry (that is not slovan country !!!)you will see 

everything i wrote david barnea happened you will be  wipe out as i wrote before (šoa2) by iran and islam army and taking to micrajim as slaves that nobody will want to buy for the condition you will be , that is your very near future 5 book Moše 28-32chapter 

hakadoš jah abba -ehje ašer ehje el jisrael ben- ševa ruchim hakadošim  


watch carefully all eu , because its coming slovan kingdom  nuclear missiles from russia teritory  will hit you soon and as you can see not even idf all technologies and defence systems can stop iran missiles let me asure you we slovans have faster and better qwuality of hypersonic missioes and in each of them there tactical nuke for you all eu 

barnea everything what i write will happen 


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